Nothing pretty here. A quick to-do as a reminder (for myself mainly) on how to make the Garden Maker Sticks.
Not so much the garden label or plant label, but the stick that one sticks in the ground and that holds the plant marker.
Very rough draft here.
Cut wire 50cm or preferably, 60cm
I used Galvanised Tie Wire with 1.25cm diameter. So I use memory wire cutter to do the cutting.
Measure 25cm or 27.5cm (if full length is 60cm) and fold.
Put folded end into clamp and twist wire. Cut off short end.
Bend and curve to form loops for garden labels.
Note: the first photo shows that the first bend is at the tip.
The later 2 photos don’t show this, but it should have been done.
Work harden the wire sticks. Then use!