This is a very simple, very easy bead embroidery technique on how to make a sequin flower.
Just about any beads will work. I will just provide a list of the simple ones I used.
- 4mm round bead
- 11/0 seed beads
- sequins
How to make the Beaded Sequin Flower
Using the 4mm round bead as center of flower, sew the bead where you want the center of the flower to be.
I am just using a round piece of felt for the foundation material, to illustrate.
You can ignore the green background. It is just my beading mat.
Bring the needle up a bit away from the center bead. It should be approximately where you want the outer edges of the inner sequin-petals to be.
Pick up one sequin. If using cup-sequins, pick up from the underside (peaked side) of the sequin.
Then 1 seed bead. This will separate each sequin-petal from the other and produce a 3-D raised effect.
Then another sequin from the underside as before; followed by 2 seed beads. These 2 seed beads will from the center radiating lines to the 4mm bead (flower center).
Once you have picked up sequin-seedbead-sequin-2 seedbeads – then bring the needle down to as close to the 4mm center bead as possible and pull thread through.
Carry on making the next petal formation.
Sorry this photo is a bit blurry.
You bring you need up about the same distance as for the first petal and just at the side-edge of the last sequin-petal.
Carry on this way, forming petals around the central 4mm round bead till you have gone all round it.
- How to embroider a simple beaded sequin flower.
That’s it! Wasn’t this sequin flower simple? I am sure you can already imagine endless variations from using different beads, sequin shapes, and colours. Go for it.
The sequin flower will prove most rewarding in bead embroidery for all kinds of projects.