Reef or Squre Knot
A square knot is also commonly known as a reef knot. Knowing how to tie a reef knot comes in really handy for jewelry making and related crafty business! Both for its functionality and for its decorative appeal.
The square or reef knot is a very simple knot to learn. It adds charm and decorative appeal and is commonly used in macrame and creating artistic pieces of jewelry.
How to Tie a Square Knot

Start Square/Reef Knot
1) Start – Start with 2 lengths of cord or thick thread. Both should be about the same diameter.

Square/Reef Knot – form an “X”
2) Form an “X” – Cross the cords over, left over right. Ending with both ends pointing down and away from each other.

Square/Reef Knot – bring up ends
3) Up – bring up both ends.

Square/Reef Knot – form loop
4) Form Loop – turn the right end (white cord) to the left to form a loop.

Finish the Square or Reef Knot
5) Finish the Reef Knot – Turn the left cord end (blue cord) into the loop; from bottom to top. Pull both sides (including ends) in opposite directions, outwards, to form a symmetrical square/reef knot.
How to form a Strand of Square or Reef Knot
To form a decorative strand of square or reef knots, repeat steps 4 and 5. This will give you a flat strand of decorative knotting. Ideal for bracelets or necklace cording. (See Beaded Jewerly with Square Knots for full tutorial).
Click the following image to view a close up of a strand of square/reef knot.
- You can end off your piece with a matching bead by making your own Bead and Loop Fastener.
- Step-by-step tutorial: Beaded Jewelry with Square/Reef Knots
Video on How to Tie the Reef Knot
For those of you who prefer watching a video, this one here is simple and clear. It has a bit of variation but ultimately, it gives you identical results.
You can also go directly to YouTube to watch “How To Tie The Reef Knot”
Please share this page or just share your own tips and tricks. Have you used the reef knot in a different and exciting way? Do tell!