I am not sure that Modified Crochet Stitch, being such a generic term, is the best nor correct name for this stitch. However I will leave it as is, mainly because this video I will refer you to, calls it just that.
I also tend to call this Traditional Wayuu Stitch because this is the stitch most commonly used in making Wayuu Mochila bags. It is also a common stitch in Tapestry Crochet.
In the video, the crocheter talks about “yarn over” and “yarn under”. For the life of me, I can’t see how one is “yarn over” and the other “yarn under”. If I am looking at the yarn, then it is “yarn over” both times, to me.
So I am showing the same stitch in photos below. Use whichever is more useful to you.
The important thing with this modified/wayuu/tapestry stitch is:
- crochet into back look
- complete the single crochet by putting
– “hook under“- “hook under” (if focusing on hook) or
– “yarn over” – “yarn over” (if focusing on the yarn)
Finished Characteristics
- horizontal ridge on *front side
- stitches stacked vertically-centered on top of each other => straight vertical lines. Ideal for wayuu and tapestry crochet
- has small holes in fabric, which might not be ideal for amigurumi crochet when you have to stuff tightly
*front side – side of work facing you
On the website, LillaBjornCrochet- http://www.lillabjorncrochet.com/2016/07/how-to-do-tapestry-crochet-step-by-step.html, she has some great photos that explain the yarn over/under. It’s how you wrap the yarn on the hook. Yarn over the top or under the shaft.