This duo sided crochet cord is one of my favourite ways of crocheting a cord. Lately I have been using them as strong and beautiful drawstring cords for some tapestry crochet bags I have been making. (My other top favourite crochet cord is the finger crochet cord).
“Duo Sided Crochet Cord” is my own name for it. The how-to graphics was from a Japanese crochet book that I had since my childhood. So I don’t know what the real technical name for this crochet cord is. I think I first posted this how-to around 2012 on one of my previous domains (which I now no longer own). But recently I my how-to graphics on Pinterest. The person who “borrowed” my how-to image said, “This is a form of tape lace is known by many names including Macramé Crochet Lace, Romanian Point Lace,…” So it is likely that there are more than one technical name for this crochet cord.
Addendum, Sep 2019
I have just discovered that this cord is also known as Romanian cord or Romanian Crochet Cord.
I call this the “Duo Sided Crochet Cord” because both working sides are identical. This is a very strong and beautiful looking cord. You can get a range of varying looks and feel by using different yarns. In fact, the yarn I used in the photo above was called “macrame cord”. You can also easily use this cord for making jewelry. Beads and other attachments are easily crocheted into the work if you so desired.
How To Make Duo Side Crochet Cord
I still don’t know how to make closeup video tutorials. Plus I often prefer learning from graphics – which are also much faster and easier to re-absorb when one is reminding oneself of a particular technique.
Well, this was a quick and sweet how-to crochet tutorial. Hope you enjoyed this and will use it in your own incredible creations. Namaste crafters!
When I learned how to make this cord it was referred to as the Lobster Stitch Cord, and I’ve heard that term used in many other tutorials.