Fun tutorial on how to easily use reef or square knots in a simple beaded jewelry piece. Follow along and have fun.
If you need to, have a quick refresher on how to tie a square knot (aka reef knot). You will get the hang of it very easily and then everything that follows here will be so much easier as well.
Desired Finished Beaded Jewelry with Band of Reef Knots

Reef Knot Beaded Jewelry
Tools Needed:
- Beading Cord
- Beads
Steps to make a Beaded Jewelry with Square/Reef Knots

Row of secured beads
1) String Beads On – Start off by stringing on a number of large beads. Your thread/cord should be more than long enough for a bracelet or necklace, depending on which you want to create.
String beads in the middle of your thread/cord. Secure each bead with either a knot or crimp bead at each side of the bead. There should be a length of cord left at each end of the secured row of beads.
This is what we want to accomplish: a length of square knots at each side to finish off the jewelry piece.
2) Begin Square Knotting – Cut a good length of thread to do the square knotting. If you use double threads, it will give you a more dramatic effect. If you use double threads, make sure you cut a length long enough so that it can be doubled up.
Fold your knotting thread in half so that you have a double strand. Get the middle point and place that under your beaded-jewelry cord.
Take the left knotting thread under the middle thread and over the right thread. (Click image to see more details if you need to).

Forming first reef knot
3) Form first reef knot – Now take the right thread back over the middle and then under the left thread. Pull both ends apart to form the reef knot.
4) Form next reef knot – Repeat steps 2 & 3 again.
The the Left thread over the middle and then under the Right thread.
Then the Right thread under the middle and over the left.
Pull knot tautly. Keep your knotting tension constant and even.
5) Repeat – Repeat steps 3 to 5 to create your decorative knotting band. Finish when you have your desired length.
Repeat this whole process to create another knotted band at the other side of the row of secured beads.

Bead and Loop fastener
Finish off your project with a fastener of your choice or create a matching Bead & Loop Clasp yourself.