There are many ways to bead a heart. Here are the steps and notes to bead a double layered beaded heart. The video tutorial below for beaded heart is from on Potomac Bead Company’s YouTube video (see below).
It consists of making 2 layers of a beaded heart shape. The layers are joined together with seed beads all along the sides.
How To Notes – Beaded Heart
My notes here are not a complete tutorial. For that, please see the video below the notes.
The notes however will be useful as a quick reminder later on. And hopefully you will get some pointers out of it to make the beaded heart easier to create.
I have drawn up this RAW (right angle weave) graph below to show how to weave one layer of the beaded heart shape.
can add (closed) jumpring as bail. Add this during the beading process. So plan ahead a little. Use the graphical visual aid to help with this. Keep in mind that the jumpring has to go through the 2nd layer as well.
- you can make each heart layer separately (as per video) or just carry on with second layer after you finish the first layer. The latter is my preferred method (contrary to the video). Work your thread to the bottom tip of the heart and then start the second layer.
- the video shows a double needle RAW method. You can also just use single needle if you are more comfortable with that. (My preferred method; it may require more thread but it is easier to deal with.)
- after beading each heart shape, thread all round the outline
My samples here are made using 4mm crystal bicones and 11/0 seed beads.
Each heart layer = 19 crystal bicones; therefor 28 crystal bicone beads.
Tip: beading thread length = full arm length (both arms outstretched)
Status: mkt (to be sold at abmkt)
Included here is a graphed heart which I print out and colour in to plan multiple colours if desired.